At Sprachatelier-Deutsch you learn German with the PDL method. The method has been specially developed for teaching adults. There is no textbook. Instead, varied activities ensure a relaxed and intensive learning atmosphere. Working in a small group and in a pleasant atmosphere encourages free and spontaneous speaking. I adjust myself individually to your level as a learner and your learning rhythm. Through individual and group exercises, you will develop your feeling for the language, your attention to the peculiarities of the German language and your ability to express yourself orally. Experiencing the language together in the group helps to reduce impediments about speaking the foreign language and increases self-confidence. The focus is on having fun and enjoying speaking. You don’t cram vocabulary, but communicate and interact – in German. From the very first moment, you develop your ability to express yourself in German.
Language acquisition is an experience full of joie of life and creativity, involving all the senses.
Simply register or contact me for further information.